40 DAYS OF PRAYER (2021)


Day 13 – Glory to God, Always Take Pleasure in Him

The first article of the Westminster Confession of Faith states that the goal of life is: “Glorify God, and always delight in Him.” To glorify God and always delight in Him is the true meaning of our Christian life. Psalm 111 provides How to live a happy lifestyle forever. Whether in the epidemic or after the epidemic, we have learned:

Worship Him (v.1): Lord! Whether in front of others, whether on stage or off stage, whether there is applause or not, whether among brothers and sisters or in formal gatherings, I want to thank you with all my heart and learn to worship you.

Honor Him (v.2-3): Lord! You have honor and majesty. You are worthy of our esteem; You act righteously, and your righteousness lasts forever. Lord! Let me see further, we will Immigrated to the country, where there are no more lies, ugliness and killing, no more tears, sorrow, and death, only Jasper City, Golden Street and the eternally bright new heaven and new earth without sun and moon!

Thank Him (v.4-6): Lord! You have given us food and we have food and clothing! You have given the earth and we can live on it! If we have food and clothing, we shall be content. Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to Jehovah. The breath of our lives cares about you. Let me learn to look only to you and fix my eyes on you. You are all my satisfaction.

Follow Him (v.7-8): Lord! Your precepts are true and always firm. I hide your words in my heart, lest I offend you; I am pleased with your statutes, I will meditate on your words, please Open my eyes so that I can understand your absolute will from the words of your life, understand your relative guidance, and then act accordingly, and run straight on your way.

Serving Him (v.9-10a): Lord! My life was bought and redeemed by you personally with your precious blood! It is only natural to offer your body as a living sacrifice to serve You. Lord! Thank you for your grace of choice. Why am I? I am humble, an unworthy vessel, but I can be tested by God. What a glorious call this is. May I be uninterrupted in my life learning, with clean hands and a clean heart, and take roots From the Bible, come, and serve you-the King of Glory!

Glorify Him (v.10b): The Lord is always to be praised! Let our children of God learn to glorify Him in our lives throughout our lives!

Rev. Peter Chen
Logos Evangelical Seminary in Taiwan