40 DAYS OF PRAYER (2021)


Day 23 – God of Deliverance

Daniel’s prayer (Daniel 9:1-19) reminds us that the Lord our God is righteous and merciful. Scripture is God’s Word- he has revealed to us his heart and will. Working as the English ministry pastor at EFC, my heart goes out to today’s generation. The world we live in is changing fast, yet our heart’s condition remains the same- void, emptied, and bored. May we turn to Christ our Savior for deliverance; repent from our sins and disobedience.
Lord, you are the Almighty one, the great and awesome God. We are now turning to you, calling you for help and deliverance. For we have sinned against you, instead of listening to you, we have listened to ourselves. Change our hearts, cleanse us, bring healing to our sickness and brokenness. For there is no joy, hope, and peace apart from you Lord.
Lord, you are righteous and faithful. Your Word is true and stands forever. But instead of trusting you and paying attention to your Word, we have sinned by making ourselves our own idols. Instead of pleasing you, we pleased ourselves. You are just and righteous in bringing punishment and disaster on us, because we have not sought the Lord with all our heart.
Lord, hear our prayers! Incline your hear and listen to our cries. Look upon us with favor and mercy, for we are your children, we belong to you. Rescue us and our family from evil and wickedness. Turn our hearts to you so that we and our entire household may listen and obey your Word and commands. Help and strengthen us to abandon our idols, and pursue Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Rock.
Thank you Jesus, for saving us through your sacrifice on the cross. Your blood was shed to bring us life. We who once lived in the darkness are brought into light because of the work of Christ. May we commit ourselves, family, and church to you so that you are truly our Lord and Master. Help us to obey and listen to you as you are our highest love. In Christ name, Amen.
Pastor Sophia Hua
EFC Chino Valley