40 DAYS OF PRAYER (2021)


Day 36 – Lord of Hope

Dear Heavenly Father,

Matthew 26:69-75 describes one of the darkest moment in life for Peter.

Peter once proclaimed with great confidence, “Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!” (Matthew 26:35) However, after being recognized by the servant girl of knowing Jesus, he denied it. When the bystanders stated that certainly he was with Jesus since his accent gave it away, it became a valid proof warrant his arrest, imagine the internal struggle within Peter, not only did he deny it, he even swear of not knowing Jesus. At that moment, the rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Lord Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.” O Lord, this certainly seems like the deepest pit in life, not once, not twice, but three times! And yet, this is not the end!

O Lord, You know the type of struggles we go through in life, there are many challenges of being Your disciples, there are many things that we must conquer in life. And yet, You are never disappointed at our failures, instead, You allow us to learn through our experiences. Thank You for never giving up on us. Pray in the name of Lord Jesus, amen!

Rev. Benjamin Hsu
EFC Hacienda Heights