40 DAYS OF PRAYER (2021)


Day 38 – Wonderful Purpose

Dear Heavenly Father,

I praise You! For You sit enthroned over the flood, You sit enthroned as king forever. May You give strength to Your people, bless Your people with peace. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic caused death, anxieties, and separation, on top of chaos, division, and conflicts caused by the the U.S. political landscape, yet You remain in control! I firmly believe that everything is in Your hands and nothing is out of control. What is under Your watch, no one can harm it. Your protection is the reason why we are safe, Your supply is the reason why we have no lack.

Everything that happens today begins with You, it is full of Your wonderful purpose. Although the church had to closed its doors as the result of the pandemic, everyone seemed to be forced to go online, and yet it allowed us to use this tool to practice living out the Great Commission. While everyone got locked in at home, we were forced to adjust to a slower pace of life, it became a perfect opportunity to examine our lives and to reflect whether there is any meaning to busyness. While social activities decreased, family interaction increased. While we had less church gatherings, we increase our encounters with You.

Through the chaos in the U.S., we see that the spiritual battle is intensifying, this allowed Christians to be awaken and to pray! You allowed shaking, calling us to turn our eyes from the earthly things to the heavenly, from the leaders of this world to the King above – Jesus.

Almighty God, all is in Your plans! May the Lord grant us wisdom, so that despite the circumstances, we can have spiritual eyesight, to see Your wonderful purpose, seizing present opportunities, to do what we ought to do. May the gospel gets preached, church of the Lord flourished, and the people of the Lord received grace.

Pray in the name of Jesus, amen!

Rev. Nathanael Wang
EFC Chino Valley