The Evangelical Formosan Church General Assembly shares the nation’s grief and outrage at the senseless violence that took the lives of eight people in Atlanta, Georgia on March 16. Likewise, we condemn all incidents of violence and intimidation directed towards Asians, Asian-Americans, or people of any other ethnicity, as an affront to the dignity of people made in the image of God. We mourn with the individuals, families, and communities that have been impacted. We grieve the pervasive sinfulness of humanity that manifests in acts of hatred, violence, oppression, and racism.
With Good Friday and Easter Sunday approaching, we affirm that our only hope is in Jesus Christ, through whom we find forgiveness and deliverance from sin, reconciliation with God, and reconciliation with our neighbors. It is through the love of Christ that we can experience genuine love and acceptance in restoring relationships and mutual respect.
We encourage all EFC churches to stay vigilant in prayer and to reach out to those individuals and families that have experienced racism and are hurting. Through dialog and prayer, may we provide comfort, encouragement, help, and support to those in need as we join hands in rebuilding our communities.