Urgent Prayer Request

Dear pastors and co-workers of the EFC family, Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for your help, support, and prayers for the General Assembly and our office throughout this past year. At this time, we would like to ask for your urgent prayers! On December


2024 Christmas Greetings

In the blink of an eye, 2024 is coming to an end, and it is once again a time to greet and to share a quick summary of this past year. It is my belief that historians will regard this year, the year of the


Alive and Thrive, Equipped to Grow

The pandemic of the century is officially over. The year 2023, which has been faltering amid the widening gap between rich and poor, geopolitical tensions, uneven resource distribution, shadow of wars, and economical difficulties, has finally come to an end! As we enter into a


Christmas Greetings – Persevering Through Adversity

2023, a year full of rapid changes, inflations, and turmoil, is about to come to an end. With the reopening of the world, I had the opportunities to visit EFC churches in Australia, New Zealand, United States, and Canada on behalf of the General Assembly.


Pastor Appreciation Month

Dear pastors and chairpersons of the greater EFC family, Peace to you in the Lord! October is a special and memorable month for EFC, one is because October 11th is the anniversary of our first church, EFC Los Angeles; moreover, EFC General Assembly was also


OC 40, Renewed and Strengthened

EFC Orange County held its 40th Anniversary joint worship service on September 18, 2022. Under the leadership of Rev. Alfie Tsay, the service began with passionate praise and worship, choir song dedication, special trio musical performance, followed by a special message from the founding pastor


Obtaining the Glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ

To all Americans and the rest of the world, 9/11 will always be an unforgettable day. But to the brothers and sisters of EFC Hacienda Heights, 9/11 carries an even greater significance. 34 years ago, EFC East Valley realized the need to spread the gospel;


Hospitality with Love

Every Christian and every church can find their unique calling if they search with their heart. EFC Twin Cities is located in the Midwest region of the United States. Within close vicinity of the church is Minnesota State University, known for their holistic and special


The Path of Grace

Located in the state of Minnesota, EFC Twin Cities was established in the 1970’s, a classic North American Taiwanese church birthed out of a Bible study group. Soon after their building purchase in 1982, the church responded to EFC’s vision of “Attempt Great Things for


EFCSFV 40th Anniversary Celebration

In 1982, Rev. Felix Liu of EFC Los Angeles commissioned Rev. David Tsai and a few church members to the San Fernando Valley area, which is located in the northwest of Los Angeles. By faith, this small group of believers planted EFC San Fernando Valley