40 DAYS OF PRAYER (2021)


Day 18 – Unite in One Accord

O Lord, while the pandemic is going around the world, You poured down Your exceptional mercy upon Taiwan, reducing the suffering to the least, for this, we offer up our sincere gratitude. In Taiwan we see how the government and the public working together preventing against COVID-19. It is good and beautiful to see the government providing strategic policies, and the people corporate wholeheartedly. May the Lord bless EFC churches to have the spirit of unity, allowing us to become testimonies for God on this earth, staying faithful in carrying out the Great Commission given to us.

O Lord, due to the suspension of gatherings during the pandemics, some believers have become weak in their faith, resulting in becoming indifferent in loving God and loving people. With the vaccination becoming available, the pandemic seems to be under control, the church is about to resume regular gatherings, may the Lord restore our first love, to be more connected with You, to have solid devotional time, so that our inner being will be strengthen once again.

O Lord, with so much uncertainty and anxious, may You grant us wisdom and strategies to spread the precious gospel, so the worrisome souls can receive hope. As the hospital opens its doors, the door of mission will also be opened. Prepare Your people to get ready to visit, to care, to proclaim Your love, telling people that no matter what happens in the world, our God reigns. O Lord, may You keep Your church, teaching us to continue to do the preventive work, avoid being infected by the virus, allowing the church to proclaim Your goodness under Your protection.

O Lord, may you give us a humble heart, teaching us to walk in Your way, “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” May the Lord guide the church to have great strategies in conducting out reach, guard the church with the spirit of unity. By the power of Your Spirit, may we continue fighting the good fight, to glorify Your holy name! We pray everything in the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen!

Rev. Max Ko
EFC Tunghai