Praise be to our Father in heaven! May You protect Taiwan, bless Taiwan, allow Taiwan to walk in Your faithfulness and grace! Despite the spreading of the pandemic throughout the world, causing countless harm and death, while people lived in fear and despair, the Lord kept Taiwan to be able to function normally. Just like when the Israelites were in the land of Egypt, God separated Israel from Egypt! We offer up our exceeding gratitude to our Father in Heaven, for keeping the people living in Taiwan safe and for Your great love for this land.
As we face challenges to move forward in this post pandemic era, churches in various areas are making different plans. EFC churches in America might have different strategies from the churches in Taiwan, but may the Lord restore the unity of worship in the churches! Let us continue to love one another and to pray for one another. May the grace of our Lord be with us, to cease the pandemic and to give us peace! May the Spirit of the Lord fill every place, allowing people to lift up the glorious name of Christ, proclaiming God’s love and to testify His grace!
EFC Puli offers up its most sincere gratitude, and we appreciate the prayers by all the EFC churches. During the pandemic, we learned to seize the moment in sharing the gospel and leading people to the Lord, developing small groups within the community of Puli. God has expended our territory beyond the town of Puli. Praise God for His presence, God raised up coworkers who were passionate in evangelism, spreading the gospel, and becoming blessings in the local area. May there be gospel stations all around Nantou area, so that the heart of Taiwan can be active and may more people in Taiwan encounter God!
After much prayers, the church decided to begin church building in our current location, continue to labor for the gospel, and invite all EFC churches to pray for this vision and this project. Although the timing might not seem like the best during this pandemic, however, this is a turning point to witness God’s grace. May we once again become strong and courageous, to stand firmly in the name of the Lord, to walk with Him, and to lead people to His kingdom!
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name! May Your kingdom come, may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! May the pandemic ceased quickly by Your grace. Through this pandemic, may people get to know You more through calling upon Your name, so that many will be saved!
Rev. Anna Ho
EFC Puli